Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

fun girl hotel

Sleepovers are a favorite choice for girls of any age, but finding slumber party ideas that will keep young guests entertained can feel like a daunting task. Whether your girls are 6 or 16, the key is planning enough activities to keep the fun level high and to ward off the dreaded whines of boredom.


For most girls, slumber parties are an opportunity to get together and socialize with friends. They are about pillow fights, romantic movies, and truth or dare generously peppered with giggles, gossip, and silly stories. They are a time to confide, confess, and commiserate. Friendships are strengthened, secrets are shared, and the world's problems are solved.

Whether your sleepover follows a theme or is simply a fun gathering, slumber parties are a rite of passage - a memorable stepping stone into womanhood that every little girl dreams about. Planning the perfect party is akin to choosing the perfect prom dress because everyone knows that the memories will live on forever in scrapbooks, memory boxes, and in the hearts of girls everywhere.


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